The culture at IM

Our team is comprised of experts who always go the extra mile to surpass customer expectations. We always listen to our customers` needs and strive in finding solutions to the most demanding challenges.

We are brave, creative, and
curious at all times

There is always room for people who are ready to take on new challenges. A dynamic international environment offers incredible opportunities for adventurous individuals.

We are a team

Constant cooperation affects our productivity and makes it easier to put ideas into action. We consider our customer a part of our team and transparent communication as an essential element of success.

Make it your story

How is it like to work at IM?

Research and Development

Being creative, innovative, and curious is your way of life. If you live by the words of Albert Einstein: ”The important thing is to not stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing”, and you are an engineer at heart you are a perfect fit for IM.


Our solutions make the everyday life of milions smarter and easier. And this is where people with a passion for technical details play a vital role. You will cooperate with proffesionals on exciting projects and be challenged to come up with the best solutions daily.


Our customers rely on the high quality of our products. And to achieve that we need responsible individuals that will master their processess and deliver impecable performance.

Key HR figures

Iskra Mehanizmi
in numbers

People in our team
the year we received the Investors in people accreditation
0 k
hours of trainings per year
average age of our employee
students in our team currently
We encourage young minds

Scholars & Students

If you still have some obligations related to your studies you are welcome to join our team through our extensive scholarship or internship programs.To learn more about these opportunities, please contact us via

Come, join our team

Employment opportunities

Sorry, we currently have no vacancies. Come back again in a while.

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